about the collective.

One part reporter one part director, the PCC Think Tank reaches to pull its clients into the realm of effervescence, giving stillness and perspective in a climate inextricably linked with collapse. We strive to illuminate the numerous connections between the macro and micro phenomena, giving meaning and purpose to the messily dispersed collection of matter resting above the horizon-spanning grid, perfection in its absent character. Operating in the ever-sought-after, unifying, experiential state of profound oneness, we breathe and let be, live, and share unbridled guidance.

A sub-concept division of the Collective, the PCC Ontological Research Consortium explores questions of perception, self-construction, narrative materialization, and the manifestation––both conscious and subconscious––of capital in and around the human project.

pcc ontological research consortiumTM

PCC is a creative art+ assemblage focused on exploring, synthesizing, & portraying the collectively constructed human experience. Our sub-divisions cover a variety of subjects. Anywhere from consciousness-raising to the future of sustainable living, PCC is future-oriented and poised to build resiliency & community.
